Ethan Michael’s Baby Blessing

Samantha Kelsie celebrant for Baby Blessing or Baby Naming Ceremony

What a joy it was to officiate Ethan Michael’s Baby Blessing and Naming Ceremony near Wycombe this weekend.

Ethan is such a happy bubbly little baby, although this photo of us taken after the ceremony tells another story! Throughout the service, however, he giggled and gargled away quite merrily – we even ended up blowing big raspberries at each other in the middle of his personal blessing!

Samantha Kelsie celebrant for Baby Blessing or Baby Naming Ceremony

Despite the rain, Laura and Paul (Ethan’s mum and dad!) did a great job of welcoming all their family to their home to celebrate together, with some guests even joining us on Skype to be part of the day.

All three of Ethan’s Godparent’s and his Great Grandad Mick entertained us with wonderful poems and readings thoughout, and his parents read their personal promises to look after and nurture this beautiful baby boy from here onwards.

Samantha Kelsie UK Celebrant Baby Naming Baby Blessing

I was honoured to be the first guest of the day asked to place my photo (with Ethan) inside his special keepsake photo album, along with a little message for him to look back on over the future years to come…

… congratulations Ethan, and lots of love to Laura and Paul too! xx

For more details about having Samantha Kelsie officiate your Baby Blessing or Baby Naming Ceremony – follow this link! 

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