Georgie’s Naming Ceremony

Georgie's baby blessing naming ceremony Samantha Kelsie Celebrant Essex

Georgie Alexander Oliver celebrated his naming ceremony at Ye Olde Plough House, near Bulphan in Essex, on Sunday 4th June 2017.

It was a fabulous sunny day, filled with lots of love and laughter. Georgie and his mummies, Laurie and Alison, were joined by a whole host of family and friends all gathered to celebrate his formal introduction into the family, following his legal adoption.

Georgie's baby blessing naming ceremony Samantha Kelsie Celebrant Essex

Georgie was adopted into his new Forever Family earlier this year, and so this day was about introducing him as the newest member of the family. Laurie and Alison hoped to share with everyone just how happy, lively and bright he is…. and my word, wasn’t he just!

Georgie was full of beans from the start! He held the room with his smile and charm, insisting that everyone gather to say cheeeeese for a big group photo before we even began! For a boy of only 3 and a half, his character is already brimming with confidence!

Georgie's baby blessing naming ceremony Samantha Kelsie Celebrant Essex

Georgie and his mummies sat very proudly on their silver chairs throughout the service, which included music by John Lennon and Savage Garden, and readings of poems and wishes. One poem had even been especially written by Georgie’s Mummy Laurie!

Eternal promises were made by his new parents, his legal guardians, and his chosen guide parents to love, look after and give guidance to Georgie on his journey into not just becoming a young boy, but a grown man one day too.

Georgie's baby blessing naming ceremony Samantha Kelsie Celebrant Essex

Georgie’s cousins were invited to join in and make their promises to him as well, pledging to share their toys with him when he asks nicely! Georgie gave them both a big hug for that afterwards.

Georgie's baby blessing naming ceremony Samantha Kelsie Celebrant Essex

The highlight of the ceremony, without a doubt, was just as Mum and Mummy were about to make their formal promise to always look after their little boy… Georgie leapt up in front of the whole room and declared that they “wouldn’t need to anyway!” because Georgie’s light sabre would do the job of protecting them all at home!

“…well they don’t need to anyway, because I’ve got a light sabre at home and I can save everybody!”

It was a very funny moment for everyone to enjoy, and it was even captured on camera. Everyone will be laughing for years to come, I’m sure!

After the service, we all headed outside for canapes, Pimms… and a good old bounce on the bouncy castle! Guests went home with Star Wars cupcakes and big smiles from what was really, truly, a very special, very memorable day for everyone…

Georgie's baby blessing naming ceremony Samantha Kelsie Celebrant Essex

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